Home » Yo! That’s My Jawn: The Podcast – Ep. 3.25 – Caroline Weinroth (Cinema Hearts)

Yo! That’s My Jawn: The Podcast – Ep. 3.25 – Caroline Weinroth (Cinema Hearts)

Nate bids farewell to summer and reminisces about MTV before being joined by Caroline Weinroth of Cinema Hearts. They talk about her childhood and learning to play the piano, early songwriting, theater, open mic nights, playing out, La Sera’s album Sees the Light, her work with Girls Rock! DC, her song “Fender Factory,” guitar elitism, entering the world of pageantry, the dream of playing the electric guitar on the Miss America stage, the highs and lows of the pageant life, her new EP, Your Ideal, working with Bartees Strange, working on the EP throughout the pandemic, vulnerability, and translating the music into a live setting. Then, Caroline enters The Jawntlet!

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